Projects in Kraków:
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In June of 2014 Serve the City Kraków started, with many small projects we began to seek out what Kraków needed. As we started talking with nonprofits, businesses, community leaders, and people interested in volunteering it became evident that we needed to become more organized. A few more volunteer projects took place, we helped other organizations find volunteers, and in the fall of 2016 we officially registered as a national foundation, paving the way for other cities around Poland to easily work with other nonprofits and NGOs as well as businesses to create volunteer partnerships.
In Kraków we help…
Nonprofits |
Individuals |
Do you run a non-profit organization? We assess your needs and create projects for others to easily volunteer and serve those needs. Let us help you meet those needs. | Often we know people by their needs, what if we knew them by their name? Do you know someone in need? Learn more about how we can help. |
Businesses and CSR programs |
Communities |
We manage the entire volunteer, project, and communication process for business volunteer and corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs with measurable outcomes and follow up. | Through our nonprofit and business partnerships we help communities beautify, remove graffiti, plant gardens, and more! |
Help your CSR program | Submit ideas and projects |